A quick list of common Kitchen Quantities
One Cup contains 16 Tablespoons or 48 teaspoons
¾ C = 12 Tablespoons or 36 teaspoons
½ C = 8 Tablespoons or 24 teaspoons
¼ C = 4 Tablespoons or 12 teaspoons
1/8 C = 2 Tablespoons or 6 teaspoons
2/3 C = 10 Tablespoons + 2 teaspoons or just about 32 teaspoons
1/3 C = 5 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon or just about 16 teaspoons
One Tablespoon = three teaspoons
One Pinch = an eighth of a teaspoon
One Smidgen = a sixteenth of a teaspoon
One Gallon = 128 fluid ounces
One Quart (1/4 gallon) = 32 fluid ounces
One Pint (2 Cups) = 16 fluid ounces
“a pint is a pound, the world around”
One Tablespoon = a half fluid ounce of water (weight), thus 4 T (1/4 C) = 2 ounces (oz.)
One liter = 4.23 Cups
One ounce = 28.3 grams
One pound = 454 grams or 0.454 kilograms
One 9” x 13” x 2” pan (rectangular casserole) = 14 Cups
One 11” x 7” x 2” pan (rectangular casserole) = 6 Cups
One 8” x 8” x 2” square pan = 8 Cups
One 9” x 9” x 2” square pan = 10 Cups
One 6” x 2” round pan = 4 Cups
One 8” x 2” round pan = 6 Cups
One 9” x 2” round pan = 8 Cups
One 9” x 3” spring form (cheesecake) = 12 Cups
One 9” x 5” x 3” Loaf pan = 8 Cups
One 9” x 3” Bundt pan (tube center) = 12 Cups
One-12 cup pan (muffin tin) = 4 C or 1/3 Cup each cavity
One Full-Sheet pan (cookie sheet) is 18” x 26” (commercial ovens only)
One half-sheet pan (cookie sheet) is 13” x 18”
One quarter-sheet pan is 9” x 13”
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